Ryan Splawski

Corporate Intranet Re-launch Campaign

ADC - March 26, 2008

As part of my position at ADC, the internal communications team manages the corporate intranet, Broadway.

In March 2008 we deployed a revamped intranet. I was not only a part of the team that developed the look, feel and functionality of the new employee tool, but I also wrote all of the communications related to is re-launch.

This sample is part of a story that ADC employees shared during focus groups held in 2006. In close creative partnership with our Marketing designers, we created a campaign based on this employee feedback. To them, Broadway was outdated, inaccurate and frustrating.

Our integrated campaign used these feelings to help transition employees from old to new Broadway through e-mails, posters and Macromedia Flash banners. Click on the below to access each file.

Note: .oft files open with Outlook. For those operating on Macs, please access the "Sample Promotional E-mail Copy" document.