Ryan Splawski

A word from Jonny Kest: Transitioning from Summer to Fall

LifePower Yoga - September 11, 2012

Jonny Kest, pictured above, teaching a yoga class.

As the summer winds turn into fall breezes, it's time for many of us to put away our summer shorts, lock up our cabins and return to our normally scheduled programming. Work, school, schedules, and the hustle and bustle of preparing for the upcoming holidays start to weigh heavy on our minds. Where do we find time to return to our mats and re-engage in our yoga practice?

Jonny Kest provides his tips on how we can deal with seasonal transitions while incorporating yoga in our healthy way of life.

Q: What advice do you have for members to get back on their mats after the dog days of summer? Jonny: The most challenging part is just getting there – walking through that door. Just like anything else in life we must show up. But we soon realize, after we have taken this step and our practice becomes a part of our routine, that it’s not enough just to show up anymore. We must then truly be present. That mean's that in each moment we are practicing a non-reactive and attentive mind. This practice is called meditation and it will bring us back to our mat day after day.

Q: How do we transition ourselves from the summer to fall season? Jonny: Taking 5 minutes before you get out of bed in the morning and 5 minutes before you fall asleep at night to observe your breath is a great way to connect with yourself. No matter what the season, this is a great way to calm the mind and prepare yourself emotionally and physically to face whatever comes your way!

Q: How can yoga assist with this mental or physical transition of the seasons? Jonny: Physically, the body will become stronger and more flexible. You will notice the difference after just a few practices if done regularly. Without isolating one body part, yoga works with each part of the body as a system. Internally, the organs are flushed and nourished, and the muscles become tougher and more elongated. Externally, the skin is detoxified as a house to your soul. And mentally, there is clarity. One must do the work and experience this for themselves.

Q: Do you have a suggested sequence to help members get back into their yoga groove? Jonny: Sun Salutation A & B are my go-to sequences from the ancient Ashtanga practice. They stretch, strengthen and focus the body and mind as a whole. They are also a great way to start your day. Perform 10 minutes of these and you will be fully awake!

Q: What is a good intention to set before my practice if I’m just returning? Jonny: No expectations. I almost like to throw away the intention and just be the “empty cup” – ready to fill myself with rich breath and brand new moments. With no expectation, I know I will leave feeling refreshed and accomplished. Know that just coming to your mat is a victory and that the rest will unfold organically!

Jonny Kest is the National Director of LifePower Yoga for Life Time Fitness and the creator of our LifePower Yoga Teacher Training program.